Boost your Travel

Boost Your Travel Content


Boost your Travel

Help tell better stories to entice lookers into bookers. Give people a reason to travel.

Giving people a reason to leave their homes and hit the road to a new destination can be more of a challenge than many might believe. The job of good travel content is to not only build that desire in someone, but then to get them to act on it. How can you improve your site and postings so that those perusing are moved to actually book? Here are some helpful hints to create truly compelling travel content. 

For everything there is a season

Much of the travel and tourism industry is dependent on timing—the time of year and the timing of unpredictable factors such as the weather and the economy. To start with, know when your area’s peak time is and push content prior to that period. Then concentrate on why someone would want to visit your location. It is less about selling your particular travel-related business and more about creating demand for the location you are in. Recognize if there are specific events in your area that bring people in, as well. And know that some factors—like Mother Nature—are simply out of your control.

A time to build up

Competition is everywhere in the travel world. Standing out from your crowd of competitors can make all the difference. So how can you set yourself apart? Great photos are no longer enough. Figure out what makes your particular location unique. Is there something locally that appeals to a small, niche group? If you can tap into a particular group’s passion, that few other locations cater to, you are on your way to crafting content that will draw in visitors.

 A time to gain

There are essentially four stages to a traveler’s search: dreaming, organizing, booking and experiencing. How can you attract someone during one or all of these moments? What content that you create could influence someone to pick your business? Think about the emotions at each stage and use that perspective to entice a prospective traveler. The process can be long and drawn out, so be sure to include efforts to remarket to prospects, who may pause along their looking journey. 

Turn, turn, turn

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment and try new and different ideas out. If something doesn’t work, simply turn to another strategy. Try creating videos that highlight local characters or show other travelers engaging in the destination. Too often, travel images focus only on the sites and don’t show people having fun and interacting. Give potential visitors a chance to imagine themselves doing what others have done.


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