Search Engine Optimization

Holistic SEO Copywriting


Search Engine Optimization

The good, better, best of creating copy that is high-quality and well-ranked during searches. Good writing equals stellar SEO rankings.

Simply put, good writing matters. Even when incorporating SEO, the quality of your content should remain one of your primary concerns—if not your only one. If your writing is well done, the ever-changing algorithms of Google will recognize it and rank it accordingly. So what does it mean to focus on holistic SEO in your copywriting? The idea is to utilize and incorporate keywords in a logical and natural manner within writing that is informative and clear. And all of this is shared on a website that is designed to target your specific audience’s user experience.

Begin with a keyword search.

No, keywords should not drive the content you create, but they do need to be part of your process. To that end, before you begin writing, do a thorough keyword search. This begins by understanding the topic of your content, how it fits within the overarching mission of your website and the audience you are addressing.

Now, start brainstorming the list of words you think your site and its content should be associated with during a search. Try to get inside the head of your average user/customer. What phrases or words do you think they associate with your business? If you feel like you are getting stuck, you can always use Google AdWords Keyword Planner to give you ideas for new and related words. Long tail keywords tend to offer the best conversion rate for searchers. While long tail keywords may get less search traffic than a shorter SEO phrase, their specificity means they generate more actual click-throughs from searchers.

Next, write top-quality content.

Once you have your list of SEO keywords, it is time to begin writing. For truly holistic SEO content, you want your blog post or web page to answer the following questions:

·      What is the purpose of the content? What should it achieve?

·      Who is the audience for the content?

·      What is the main message the audience should take away?

·      How will the content be structured to help readers realize your main points?

Conclude with a targeted website.

The final part isn’t about the content or the SEO keywords, but it is all about the package that information is delivered in. Quality writing and use of well-connected keywords will benefit you with search algorithms, leading more people to your site. But keeping them there and ensuring that they return also demands a website that is well-designed to facilitate an easy user experience. Consider every aspect of how a potential user will interact with your site, including any security issues, and fix any problem areas so that the experience is straightforward and without problems.


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