Generation X Travel

New Day, New Guest


Generation X Travel

The changing guest experience at hotels—how to meet the needs of a new generation. Are you ready for the next-gen hotel guest?

Like high hopes, high expectations can be a killer for any company to deal with. Consider when Sinatra sang about a little old ant trying to move a rubber tree plant. For hotels to be competitive with today’s traveler, failing to meet those high expectations isn’t an option, they simply must move that rubber tree plant.

Knowing your guest is still paramount, but providing instant access and response is also vital. Read on for the areas hospitality must master to stay relevant with the newest travelers.

Mine the data.

Making the most of the information you have on guests is key. Ensuring that you have this cognitive advantage helps you squeeze out every last drop of insight from the data you possess to further enhance each guest’s experience.

Create a partnership.

The world is at your guest’s fingertips. Is your property making it as easy as possible for guests to engage? If you can build a partnership with other vendors that your guests utilize during their stay, you can set your property apart in a guest’s opinion.

Think ahead.

Being proactive with guests goes a long way towards providing the personalized service today’s traveler expects. This starts with knowing why they are traveling and why they selected your property.

Use tech to be more attentive.

It may sound backward, but the proper use of technology can actually allow your hotel teams to provide a higher level of attention to guests. For instance, improved tech for regular reporting can free up front-desk staff to focus on travelers.

Fix problems fast.

No one is perfect, and something will go wrong at some point. For most guests, the issue isn’t that there was a problem, but how long it took for the property to address the concern and fix it. Handle things quickly and properly and your odds of a positive review increase.

Be accessible.

The next generation of travelers has different expectations, but older travelers may need more accessibility. Consider what your location can do to be more inclusive to accommodate the different needs of this group.


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