What’s Your Best SEO Strategy?



Insights into Google’s latest algorithm changes, and what it means for your content.

Trying to game Google’s complicated and ever-evolving algorithm for ranking is a bit of a fool’s errand. The best bet is to simply add new content to your site that is in line with what your audience wants on a regular basis. But … that being said, let’s drill down into some of Google’s most recent updates and what they mean for your site’s content.


  • A new name – Probably the most obvious difference on first glance is Google’s renaming of AdWords to simply Ads. Additionally, what was known as Double Click and Google Analytics 360 suite is now known as Google Marketing Platform. Think of it as Puff Daddy transforming into P. Diddy. Same product, different moniker.

  • Easier to Use – Beyond the rebranding, the changes Google is implementing in 2019 are aimed at making things easier. They are bringing updates and advancements to a range of products including Smart Campaigns, Smart Shopping Campaigns, Local Campaigns and Hotel Campaigns, all courtesy of Google’s AI and Machine Learning.

  • Mobile is first – Starting March 2018, Google began migrating sites to a mobile-first index. And what is a mobile-first index? Well it simply means that at some point in the near future, all sites Google ranks will be evaluated on their mobile version first. If you haven’t focused on a mobile-friendly site, it’s time to start.


  • Focus on CTR – While Google will never explain exactly how their click-through-rate (CTR) works, it remains important for your content’s positioning. When you are starting down your SEO path, search out keywords that have a high organic CTR, aka Opportunity Keywords.

  • Test your SEO – Found what you think is a great Opportunity Keyword? Now do a Google search with the term to see what shows up. Look through the top 10 results to see what is already working and determine any commonalities. Then, think of content that will offer something better than what is already posted.

  • Skip the Spam – Google may not say it outright, but they do seem to reward pages that have lower bounce rates. So, if your site is loaded with spam that makes it load slow, you would be wise to clean it up and ditch the extraneous content and speed up your loading rate. The thinking here seems to be that if someone is spending more time on your site it is because it is valuable to them; the more time someone spends leads to your site’s ranking being boosted by Google.


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